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You are visiting the municipal website of Acworth, New Hampshire. This web site is designed to provide information about Acworth and their local government. Enjoy your visit and feel free to contact us for additional content.

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Until further notice, all Class V and VI roads are posted for 6 ton load limits and for travel by recreational vehicles. For questions call Acworth Highway at 603-835-6866 (3/5/2025)

News & Events

Winter Parking Ban

Between Nov 1st and Apr 15, no vehicles shall be parked or left unattended on a public way, road or right of way between 7PM and 7AM or during any daylight storm so as to hinder snow removal. Vehicles in violation will be removed at the owner's expense. Per Acworth Select Board


Crane Brook Rd is OPEN from Sugar House Rd to 123A!

This is a travel at your own risk, one lane road.

Please proceed with caution.



Sam Putnam Rd.

Forest Rd. and Forest Rd. Bridge

Click one of the icons to renew your registrations, dog license, pay your taxes or request copies of marriage, birth or death records. Genealogy research must be done in person. Please call the Town Clerk for appointment 603-835-6879

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~ Payments accepted in Cash or Check only ~

Town of Acworth|13 Town Hall Rd | PO Box 37, Acworth, NH 03601 | Phone: 603-835-6879 



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