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Board of Selectmen

Contact:       Charlotte Comeau

                       Town Administrator


Address:      Town of Acworth, POB 37, Acworth, NH 03601


Phone:         603-835-6879




Hours:          Mon - Thurs 8AM - 1PM


Meeting Times:   6:30PM on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday of each month at the Town Hall. 


By state statute RSA 41:8, the Selectmen as the governing body is to "manage the prudential affairs of the town" according to the will of the legislative body (town meeting).  In general, under New Hampshire law, the policy making authority of a town rests with the town meeting.


The Selectmen must also comply with state mandates such as the current certification process and mandatory revaluations.  No board, commission or official can do anything unless it is so specified in the RSAs.


The Selectmen are the executive, managerial, administrative body that does whatever is necessary to carry out the votes enacted at town meeting.  Any action must be taken by the Board acting as a board - that is, voted on by a majority of the Selectmen at a public meeting.


Some of the duties of the Selectmen are:


  • Makes appointments to town Boards and Committees

  • Signs manifest for the payment of town bills

  • Signs manifest for payroll

  • Signs warrants for property taxes

  • Grants licenses and permits

  • Establishes fees for permits

  • Manages and regulates use of all town property

  • Regulates town highway

  • Employs town staff


The Selectmen are named as the assessors of property, but they engage the services of certified assessors to keep property values up to date. The Board is also responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and for granting or denying Building Permit applications.

Additional Resources

Town of Acworth|13 Town Hall Rd | PO Box 37, Acworth, NH 03601 | Phone: 603-835-6879 



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