Small Roads Initiative Team (SRIT)
Gregg Thibodeau 860-338-3227
Gary Baber
Jennifer Bland
Frank Emig
Mark Girard
Ray LeClair
Brenda Melius
Meeting Schedule & Communications
Monthly SRI meeting June 6 at 7pm in the Town Hall​​
Monthly updates will be provided to the BoS. Those notes will be published to the town newsletter and town webpage.
Feb 22, 2023 – Small Roads Update
The process of reviewing and collating the dozens of questions and topics that were raised is in progress. Many questions overlap and most of the questions came at the public hearing, which our town administrative assistant recorded. The team is going through the 3 1/2-hour recording and transcribing it. It’s important to know that many of the topics require additional research and some require land-owner inquiries.
The town office is fully engaged now with other priorities; end of year actions and preparations for the town meeting, etc. Their time is at a premium this time of year.
The project team met and agreed to address all the questions received together in one response. It will take time and support from several resources to complete that effort. It’s estimated that it will take most of the month of March to complete the reviews, the additional research, reach out to individual landowners (as required) and to draft the responses. In April the responses will be posted to the town web page, and we will announce it in the Select Board meeting minutes (which are also posted in the town newsletter). Revised individual road assessments and updated FAQ's will be updated in the April timeframe.
If anyone is interested to engage in this effort, the meeting schedule is posted on the town webpage. Meeting minutes will be provided on the web page and referenced in the Select Board meeting minutes which are also published in the town newsletter.
Thank you for your patience and continued support.
** A draft/unapproved version of the meeting minutes is available upon request five business days after the meeting **